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Writer's pictureHarkos

Music Marketing Is Just Like Going To The Gym. Here's why.....

What’s up y’all, Harkos here,

I'm a people watcher by nature, not a gawker, just an observer. I was at the gym the other day, and it hit me how similar the way people work out to the way people market their music is.

See, In the gym, there are three types of people.

There's the person who does bodybuilder-style workouts to build that good-looking physique.

The second type of person is doing a lot of endurance and strength training exercises for functional strength. They don't care about sculpting their body, just creating a body that can withstand hard work.

Then you have the third person who works out a little but already has a decent-looking body. They're mainly in there to talk with other people and to get the overall appearance that they go to the gym every day just like everyone else.

The third person, who is in the gym for appearance's sake, is easy to understand for most people. They want to be part of the club and feel included in something. They go to the gym and exercise daily to be in the environment.

However, the difference between the person who wants to build physical appearance and the one who wants to build functional strength can be more difficult to determine for most people.

They both are in the gym working out, looking like they're doing the exercises correctly, but they are exercising for different goals.


Image vs Reality.

The similarities between the gym and music marketing are stark.

You have those people who make music and put it out to feel like they're part of the community. In my opinion, that's perfectly fine because they're doing something that makes them feel good. However, they will never be successful and are usually considered hobby artists.

Then you have the bodybuilder type of musician. They are doing different marketing strategies to have their social media following and stream numbers as high as possible. The appearance of being very popular is a top priority for them. However, looking beyond the surface, you will see that most followers and streams are fake or Bots. Any real listeners have only listened once or twice to the song and then moved on. They may have a fraction of a percent of their following as real fans.

But the musician who builds for functional strength is the one who has the real success. They may not have high stream numbers or social media following. But the followers and stream numbers that they have are 100% legitimate. They don't use Bots or fake followers to make themselves look good. They spend their time, money, and effort on actual marketing campaigns. They focus on getting their music in front of people who will enjoy their content. Then they entertain them!

I only deal with artists who want to build that functional strength with a REAL fan base. When we work together, we use REAL marketing strategies such as;

  • Strategic Content Creation

  • Targeted Ads on Social and Streaming Platforms

  • Email Newsletter Campaigns Through Your Website

All are designed to build genuine connections with your fans.

You will be able to build the Superfan I always talk about. The person who is so obsessed with you and your music, that they will show it to their Grandma regardless of whether she cares.

So, if you're ready to build functional strength as an artist, with a solid fan base, then here's the deal I have for you.

Schedule a free, one-on-one marketing consultation with me and build a custom plan for you to build functional strength in your fan base.

I'm only giving free marketing consultations for one week, and you have until the end of the day on Sunday, June 2nd, to schedule.

So hit reply to this email, and let's schedule a free consultation call to build you a solid plan.

Talk Soon


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